HOORAY! I am now officially just Neal Slimick! Come check out the new site and blog. I'll be updating the blog in the coming weeks and will hopefully not fall off the map again. I'll be giving you my best effort to keep up to date with new shoots and information.
Be Well,
Jan 25, 2010
Posted by Neal Slimick at 1:25 PM 0 comments Permalink
Jan 11, 2010
After being down south for nearly 13 years I feel I've become a little soft. But you know what 18 degrees is 18 degrees no matter where you live. It is freaking COLD! I got to the office this morning and enjoyed watching the geese skate around on the ice covered pond out back. There guys will hung out on the ice until it gets thin enough to break...then, they'll just sit there in their own little pools of freezing cold water...crazy Canadians.

Posted by Neal Slimick at 3:13 PM 0 comments Permalink
Dec 22, 2009
Happy Hollidays!
The good news is it’s almost Christmas which means I get a week and some change to hang out with my totally rad family and eat ungodly amounts of food! Before I head out I wanted to post some Christmas pictures from the office. We had a typical “ugly sweater” day and everyone came through for sure! I hope you enjoy the pictures and have a very merry Christmas and safe New Year.
I promise I’ll be writing and posting more in the new year. I am super excited about getting some new albums and brag books in, in the next month to show you all! I’m sure you’ll love them.
It’s a shame sheep had to get shaved for some of these:

Posted by Neal Slimick at 10:58 AM 0 comments Permalink
Dec 1, 2009
Hey peoples. I just wanted to let you know that I will be back in action in the next few weeks. I have TOTALLY been neglecting my blog due to our new addition to the family. Please forgive me. If your craving some pictures of little Jonah check out our family blog HERE.
Posted by Neal Slimick at 12:05 PM 0 comments Permalink
Nov 10, 2009
New Edition
Remember the band New Edition? Well this is so much more rad than the band. My wife and I welcomed our second child, Jonah Michael Slimick into the world November 1 at 8:59 PM. Both he and Meghan are doing GREAT. It was truly an amazing experience to see him born. Why you ask? Because he was born at home, in our living room. Does that make us a bunch of hippies? Maybe. But to be completely honest it was a MUCH better experience than being at the hospital. Of course it's easy for me to say because I had a much easier job than Meghan, but she will tell you the same thing. I'll be filling you all in in the coming days and weeks when I catch up on sleep and can find some more words. Until then if you could pray for restful sleep and energy for Meghan we would greatly appreciate it.
Posted by Neal Slimick at 7:04 AM 1 comments Permalink
Oct 20, 2009
5 years, a cold and some pumpkins
This weekend Meghan and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. I guess 5 years doesn't sound like a long time but we have had a jammed packed few years. Two houses and working on 2 kids. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Posted by Neal Slimick at 9:36 PM 0 comments Permalink
Engagement Session

Posted by Neal Slimick at 9:12 PM 0 comments Permalink
Oct 8, 2009
Photo Of The Day - My Family

Posted by Neal Slimick at 10:12 AM 0 comments Permalink
Oct 3, 2009
Oct 1, 2009
Lunch Time

God is always watching

One part of the amazingly talented Calnin Brothers

Part two of the Calnin Brothers

Posted by Neal Slimick at 3:09 PM 0 comments Permalink
Sep 22, 2009
Fun Of The Day
OK So I have been crazy busy today and have yet to take a SINGLE picture. So to take the place of a pic here is a video passed onto me from my co-worker Blake.
Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc. from Chris Cairns on Vimeo.
Posted by Neal Slimick at 4:17 PM 0 comments Permalink
Sep 21, 2009
Fun Day Monday
Monday...monday...monday. What a day. I had a blast this weekend shooting a wedding at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens in Belmont NC and now...Monday. My monitor is covered with post-it notes of what I have to do this week and right now all I want to do is edit pictures. What gets me through my Mondays? Great music and interesting web sites. Check it out:
Caia, Olafur Arnalds, Pogo, Crystal Castles, Johann Johnnsson. Very good chill out ambient music.
People of Walmart – Holy cow! This is Walmart’s finest at their finest!
Gizmodo – I’m a complete nerd and like to keep up on everything tech and some things not so tech
Lifehacker – se nerd note above
Failblog – Similar to People of Walmart
So I have also realized that I have yet to really write about myself on the blog. I think I’ll start changing that starting today. I’ll do my best to throw out a few interesting facts about me every day.
Fact #1 – I’m married to the love of my life, Meghan. She holds down the most important job in the family as stay at home mommy. To all of you stay at home moms out there my prayers go out to you all daily. Meghan is also, hands down the most selfless person I have known and will probably ever know. All the more reason I fall in love with her more each day.
Fact #2 – I have a watch addiction...so I have no reason to be late.
Well I hope the rest of YOUR Monday is great.
Posted by Neal Slimick at 4:36 PM 0 comments Permalink
Sep 20, 2009
Photo Of The Day - Wedding Weekend
I had the amazing opportunity this weekend to second shoot a wedding with Anna Hollingsworth at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens. Even though it was humid enough to drink the air the bride and groom were a blast!
Posted by Neal Slimick at 3:22 PM 0 comments Permalink
Sep 18, 2009
Photo Of The Day - Finger Boards
Dang! I got stuck in slack mode for the past few days! It has been crazy busy at the office and home so I'm having to dip into the archives.
When things slow down you'll hopefully be seeing more flash photography shots. I just got a 60" umbrella and stand, so I'm going to take flash to the next level...even if it's only a few steps up. I have a lot to learn about flash photography. Especially after watching the OneLight Workshop DVD's. If you're a photographer and interested in lighting check them out. They are worth every penny.
So we have been CRAZY busy at the office but in our spare time enjoy a little finger boarding....well most everyone enjoys it, I have yet to learn how they exactly work....one day...
Posted by Neal Slimick at 12:31 PM 0 comments Permalink
Sep 15, 2009
Sep 14, 2009
Photo Of The Day - HDR
Process: 3 shots were taken using exposure bracketing. 1 shot normal exposure, 1 shot over, 1 shot under. Both were hand held. Processed in Photomatix.
Posted by Neal Slimick at 8:48 AM 1 comments Permalink