May 12, 2009

It's here.....

Whats happening everyone? Well my site is FINALLY up! It's taken a long time and will still take a little more time to get all of the bugs worked out, photos laid out properly and a few more text sections up but you know what? I'm happy with it.

I would love to hear some comments about the address. Is it too much?

What have I learned about web design? It's NOT for me. My motto lately has been let the plumbers to the plumbing and the carpenters to the carpentry. The site is built by a great company out of Colorado called Portfoliositez. I have nothing but good things to say about these guys. They have come through with a great product and in the next few weeks I will hopefully have learned the in's and out's of it.

What I'm excited about:

1. I have an actual site up!
2. Proofing. I am now able to have clients log on to be able to proof their pictures.
3. Shopping cart. Within the proofing site there is a shopping cart so people can order online as well! I know I know...may sound lame to many but I'm crazy stoked on it.
4. Dave freaking Stanfield! Dave is amazing. He shot out a few quick ideas of a logo and I'm loving them. I would love to hear what you guys think. Below are 4 favorites. Check Dave's work out HERE and HERE.